Partners 4 Families refers families in Fremont or Page County with children ages 0 to 5 to local programs and resources. The Family Resource Specialist (FRS) completes a brief screen with the family regarding their needs and strengths, as well as the information needed for specific programs. Families can give their own information or professionals can provide a referral to Partners for Families. You can fax a referral to Nicollette at (712) 542-3501.
The FRS helps families connect with family support programs, like Early Head Start, FaDDS, Growing Strong Families, Nest, and Positive Family.
The FRS gives information for assistance with basic needs like heat, rent, food, child care, education, and household items. The FRS can give some basic health information and referrals for child development, counseling services, alcohol and drug use treatment programs, medical clinics, and dentists.
The funding for Partners 4 Families is through a grant from Corner Counties Early Childhood Area-Fremont and Page Counties.